About Us



EUCOPRIMO was established in 1978. At present, the organization counts more than 200 members from  Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, England, France, Italy, Lichtenstein, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa and the U.S.A.

Members are all contributing to enlarge knowledge, increase experience in their fields of interest and to enjoy exchange and friendship in a huge and resourceful community.

There are meetings of the association in spring and autumn of each year. Members meet  to bundle experience and knowledge. Objects are shown and sources discussed. Collaboration is triggered and  friendship between collectors is initiated.
As English is spoken by many members, there is no barrier between nationalities.  The official language of the association is German. However, for correspondence German and English are the common languages.

Members of the association come from the most diverse areas of interest:

  • Numismatists enjoying original and exotic means of payment, mostly called „Primitive Money“ (primitive ≈ original)
  • Ethnologists with interest in history and development of indigenious means of payment
  • Art collectors with enthusiasm for the aesthetics of early forms of monery
  • Collectors of exotic objects which are fascinated by “primitive money“
  • Collectors of pearls and indigenous jewellery which were frequently used as „Primitive Money“

Their collections and fields of interest could not be more varied.

However, the lifelong fascination of „primitive money“ connects them all.

Whether you are a professor, student, collector or curator, or whether primitive money is in any other way your profession or your passion: In EUCOPRIMO you will meet like-minded people, which will be glad to share knowledge and experiences in a personal and amicable manner.

Der Primitivgeldsammler”, the magazine of the association, bundles the knowledge of its members in a structured way. Experience and practical knowledge from collections is made accessible to other members and the public; additionally, knowledge is expanded by reports on „field research“ of members. English speaking members may publish their articles in english. “Der Primitivgeldsammler” is published twice a year and distributed to members only. Current articles from the magazine are regularly published in this site.

New members are always welcome! Please inquire informally at the secretariat of EUCOPRIMO:

–  by email to: info(at) eucoprimo.com, or by mail to

–  EUCOPRIMO, p.o. box 1426, D – 76804 Landau, Germany


© 2012 Eucoprimo